The 7th International Workshop on
Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA)
September 11-16, 2022, Kviknes hotel, Balestrand, Norway
Organized by The Selmer Center
Important dates | Travel information | Invited speakers | Committees | Accepted abstracts | Program | Registration | Participants |
Photos |
Boolean functions and more generally all the discrete structures used in error correcting coding, cryptography or communications, are highly active areas of research. The workshop Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA) is to provide a forum for researchers who are working on discrete functions and structures, particularly on Boolean functions, to exchange ideas and interests in open problems, and to further explore their applications in cryptography, error correcting codes and communications.
The event is at the moment planned to be hybrid, that is, both physical and online participation is possible. There is no registration fee for online participation although all participants must register (for physical or for online participation).
All participants who wish to contribute a talk of 15-20 minutes are invited to submit a 4-5 page extended abstract. We request previously unpublished results on all aspects of discrete structures, particularly on Boolean functions and their applications in cryptography, coding theory, combinatorics, quantum computing, etc. Topics include but are not limited to:
- foundational theory of Boolean functions and discrete structures;
- the design, proposal, and analysis of cryptographically significant (vectorial) Boolean functions;
- the theory and construction of quantum Boolean functions;
- the theory of finite fields and its applications in cryptography and coding theory;
- the study of applications of (vectorial) Boolean functions to cryptography, codes, and other discrete structures.
After the workshop, all participants will be invited to submit a paper to a special issue on Boolean Functions and their Applications in the journal Cryptography and Communications. You can find the call for papers here.
Submission deadline | April 30, 2022 |
Acceptance notification | June 30, 2022 |
Camera-ready submission (easychair) | August 15, 2022 |
Video submission of presentations deadline |
August 25, 2022 |
Registration deadline for physical participation |
August 31, 2022 |
BFA 2022 | September 11 – September 16, 2022 |
Travel Schedule
Those attending the conference in person can depart by speedboat from Bergen Strandkaiterminalen on Sunday, September 11 at 16:30. The arrival is estimated at 20:25 at Balestrand. The Hotel Kviknes is just a few minutes walk from the pier. The only alternative departure time is 08:00, with an estimated arrival at 11:50.
The workshop will end on Friday, September 16. The first available departure after the conference is on Saturday morning at 07:50, with an estimated arrival at 11:50 at Bergen Strandkaiterminalen. Alternative departures are at 16:50, either on Friday or Saturday. In these cases, the arrival is estimated at 20:45 at Bergen Strandkaiterminalen.
Tickets can be purchased online and the official timetables for summer 2022 are now available if you wish to plan your travel at a different time or day.
Travelling by bus or a combination of bus and train is also possible, but not recommended.
Travel through Bergen Lufthavn
Participants outside of Bergen can reach the city by plane landing at Bergen Lufthavn.
Participants landing in Bergen Lufthavn can use the bybanen to reach the city centre and the Strandkaiterminalen. The bybanen stop is right outside of the airport and you should travel from the airport to “Byparken”, the last stop of the bybanen. Trains travel every 15 minutes for most of the day, but you can also check the timetables provided by the operator, or plan your route using the dedicated route planner app.
The bybanen offers both a route planner app and a ticket purchasing app, that can be downloaded here. The ticket to the city centre is a “Zone A” ticket. Mind that tickets purchased through the App are immediately valid upon purchase, so you should only buy them once you are ready to leave the airport. Tickets can also be purchased at vending machines at the airport.
Travel regulations for entering Norway
To the date of Wed. 16 February, there are no travel restrictions to Norway.
Any changes to these conditions will be reported here, but we strongly advise participants who are not Norwegian residents to make sure if any restrictions apply before travelling using the UDI portal or helsenorge.
- Christof Beierle, Ruhr University Bochum
- Claude Carlet, Université Paris 8, University of Bergen
- Ondřej Čepek, Charles University in Prague
- Patrick Felke, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer
- Lukas Kölsch, University of South Florida
- Gregor Leander, Ruhr University Bochum
- Sihem Mesnager, University of Paris VIII
- Stjepan Picek, Radboud University
General chairs
- Lilya Budaghyan, University of Bergen
- Tor Helleseth, University of Bergen
Program chairs
- Claude Carlet, Université Paris 8, and University of Bergen
- Wilfried Meidl, Sabanci University
Program committee
- Christof Beierle, Ruhr University Bochum
- Marco Calderini, University of Trento
- Robert Coulter, University of Delaware
- Faruk Göloglu, Charles University in Prague
- Nikolay Kaleyski, University of Bergen
- Daniel Katz, California State University
- Chunlei Li, University of Bergen
- Petr Lisonek, Simon Fraser University
- Subhamoy Maitra, Indian Statistical Institute
- Svetla Nikova, KU Leuven, and University of Bergen
- Daniel Panario, Carleton University
- Leo Perrin, INRIA
- Alexander Pott, Otto von Guericke University
- Yue Zhou, National University of Defense Technology
- Pante Stanica, Naval Postgraduate School
- Natalia Tokareva, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Irene Villa, University of Trento
Organizing committee
- Diana Davidova
- Nikolay Kaleyski
- Enrico Piccione
- Samuele Andreoli
- Chunlei Li, Constanza Riera and Pantelimon Stanica. Dillon’s switching method generalized to c-differentials
- Patrick Solé. A notion of bent sequences based on Hadamard matrices
- Irene Villa, Marco Calderini and Kangquan Li. Two new families of quadratic APN functions over $\mathbb{F}_{2^{2m}}$
- Alireza Mehrdad, Joan Daemen and Silvia Mella. Distribution of Linear Approximations over the Non-linear Mapping Chi
- Xiang-Dong Hou. Some Algebraic Questions about the Reed-Muller Code
- Kirpa Garg, Sartaj Ul Hasan and Pantelimon Stanica. Boomerang uniformity of some classes of functions
- Jaeseong Jeong, Namhun Koo and Soonhak Kwon. On cubic APcN permutations over finite fields of even characteristic
- Ana Salagean and Percy Reyes-Paredes. Probabilistic estimation of the degree of Boolean functions
- Alexandr Polujan and Alexander Pott. Towards the Classification of Quadratic Vectorial Bent Functions in 8 Variables
- Valérie Gillot and Philippe Langevin. Classification of Boolean functions
- Li-An Chen and Robert Coulter. On the differential uniformity of the Wan-Lidl permutation polynomials
- Robert Christian Subroto. An Algebraic Approach to Symmetric Linear Layers in Cryptographic Primitives
- Meltem Sonmez Turan. New Bounds on the Multiplicative Complexity of Boolean functions
- Nurdagül Anbar, Tekgül Kalaycı and Wilfried Meidl. Bent partitions, semifields, and association schemes
- Abbas Alhakim and Janusz Szmidt. Euler Tour Graph and Multi de Bruijn Sequences
- Marie Heggebakk and Nikolay Kaleyski. Testing linear and affine equivalence
- Aleksandr Kutsenko. On subfunctions of self-dual bent functions and the existence of self-dual generalized bent functions
- Alexander Shaporenko. New approaches to the study of the “bent sum decomposition problem”
- René Rodríguez, Enes Pasalic, Fengrong Zhang and Yongzhuang Wei. Minimal p-ary linear codes and further results on non-covering permutations
- Nikolay Kaleyski, Kjetil Nesheim and Pantelimon Stanica. A doubly-infinite family of 0-APN monomials
- Ferruh Özbudak and Kübra Kaytancı. The c-Differential Uniformity of the Perturbed Inverse Function via a Trace Function Tr$\big(\frac{x^2}{x+1}\big)$
- Jyotirmoy Basak, Subhamoy Maitra, Prabal Paul and Animesh Roy. Analysis of Boolean Functions Related to Binary Input Binary Output Two-party Nonlocal Games
- Ana Salagean and Ferruh Ozbudak. Further Constructions and Characterizations of Generalized Almost Perfect Nonlinear Functions
Technical program
Monday 12/9 | Tuesday 13/9 | Wednesday 14/9 | Thursday 15/9 | Friday 16/9 | |
09.30 – 10.20 | Full day excursion | ||||
10.20 – 10.45 | Chunlei Li, Constanza Riera and Pantelimon Stanica. Dillon’s switching method generalized to c-differentialsabstract slides |
Irene Villa, Marco Calderini and Kangquan Li. Two new families of quadratic APN functions over F22mabstract slides |
Patrick Solé. A notion of bent sequences based on Hadamard matricesabstract slides video |
René Rodríguez, Enes Pasalic, Fengrong Zhang and Yongzhuang Wei. Minimal p-ary linear codes and further results on non-covering permutationsabstract slides video |
10.45 – 11.05 | Break | Break | Break | Break | |
11.05 – 11.30 | Li-An Chen and Robert Coulter. On the differential uniformity of the Wan-Lidl permutation polynomialsabstract slides |
Nikolay Kaleyski, Kjetil Nesheim and Pantelimon Stanica. A doubly-infinite family of 0-APN monomialsabstract slides |
Nurdagül Anbar, Tekgül Kalaycı and Wilfried Meidl. Bent partitions, semifields, and association schemesabstract slides |
Robert Christian Subroto. An Algebraic Approach to Symmetric Linear Layers in Cryptographic Primitivesabstract slides video |
11.30 – 11.55 | Kirpa Garg, Sartaj Ul Hasan and Pantelimon Stanica. Boomerang uniformity of some classes of functionsabstract slides |
Ana Salagean and Ferruh Ozbudak. Further Constructions and Characterizations of Generalized Almost Perfect Nonlinear Functionsabstract slides |
Alexandr Polujan and Alexander Pott. Towards the Classification of Quadratic Vectorial Bent Functions in 8 Variablesabstract slides |
Jyotirmoy Basak, Subhamoy Maitra, Prabal Paul and Animesh Roy. Analysis of Boolean Functions Related to Binary Input Binary Output Two-party Nonlocal Gamesabstract slides video |
11.55 – 14.00 | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | |
14.00 – 14.25 | Sihem Mesnager
Panorama on hyper-bent Boolean functions
Christof Beierle
Decomposing Linear Layers
Stjepan Picek More Methods to Construct Bent Boolean Functions |
Ondřej Čepek Knowledge compilation: a brief overview
14.25 – 14.50 | |||||
14.50 – 15.15 | Jaeseong Jeong, Namhun Koo and Soonhak Kwon. On cubic APcN permutations over finite fields of even characteristicabstract slides |
Alireza Mehrdad, Joan Daemen and Silvia Mella. Distribution of Linear Approximations over the Non-linear Mapping Chiabstract slides video |
Abbas Alhakim and Janusz Szmidt. Euler Tour Graph and Multi de Bruijn Sequencesabstract slides video |
Xiang-Dong Hou. |
15.15 – 15.35 | Break | Break | Break | Break | |
15.35 – 16.00 | Marie Heggebakk and Nikolay Kaleyski. Testing linear and affine equivalenceabstract slides |
Meltem Sonmez Turan. New Bounds on the Multiplicative Complexity of Boolean functionsabstract video |
Aleksandr Kutsenko. On subfunctions of self-dual bent functions and the existence of self-dual generalized bent functionsabstract video |
Ferruh Özbudak and Kübra Kaytancı. |
16.00 – 16.25 | Ana Salagean and Percy Reyes-Paredes. Probabilistic estimation of the degree of Boolean functionsabstract slides |
Valérie Gillot and Philippe Langevin. Classification of Boolean functionsabstract video |
Alexander Shaporenko. New approaches to the study of the “bent sum decomposition problem”abstract video |
Farewell |
Excursion (Wednesday, September 14, 2022)
08.30 – 09.00 | Excursion starts | Departure from the Kviknes hotel on foot. |
09.00 – 11.30 | Heritage walk and Cider tasting | Guided tour from the village centre to the Cider House. |
11.30 – 12.00 | Walk to the Ferry port | |
12.00 – 17.00 | Glacier Tour and Lunch | A magical Fjord Cruise through a fantastic fjord landscape. We will experience the Bøya Glacier up close and visit the Norwegian Glacier Museum. Warm lunch on the Fjordcruise boat is included. |
17.00 | Excursion ends | Walk to the Kviknes hotel. |
19.00 | Banquet |
Physical participation
Physical registration is now closed.
Online participation
Online registration is now closed. If you have not registered in time, and would still like to receive the participation link, please contact Enrico Piccione (firstname.surname@uib.no) with your request.
Accommodation at the Kviknes hotel
The prices for participants of BFA that would like to stay at the Kviknes hotel are as follows:
- Single room with breakfast: 1355 NOK per day
- Single room with half board (breakfast and dinner): 1675 NOK per day
- Double room with breakfast: 1030 NOK per person per day
- Double room with half board (breakfast and dinner): 1350 NOK per person per day
- Double room with full board (for accompanying people not attending the conference): 1480 NOK per day
- Dinner only: 645 NOK per day
To reserve a room, participants should contact the hotel directly by writing to booking@kviknes.no, and refer to confirmation number 971987. Communication via email is preferable, but it is also possible to call the hotel by phone at (+47) 57 69 42 00. The booking can be cancelled up to two days prior to check-in.